Did you just realize you haven’t seen me on Facebook for a while, then you clicked this link to see WTF? You may have been blocked.
Do you remember in Ghostbusters, when that twitchy red bearded dude made Egon and his boys shut down the containment grid, unleashing all the ghosts into New York City? That’s sort of what’s about to go down for me on Facebook.
Battling the cult who was going after the school board, me running for office, and my involvement in other activities within my community have led me to some heated debates online. Sometimes they would get so bad, I’d resort to blocking a d-bag or two. The Calvary Chapel folks occupy the majority of people I’ve banished from my Facebook feed.
That one guy from 775 OffRoad who confronted me during a reno community cleanup, who I only remember as self-titled “The Asshole,” I bet is on my block list. He was pissed about a discussion we apparently had on Facebook about LCSO cracking down on a homeless encampment. Considering I’ve lived in his head for so many months, even though I can’t even recall the conversation, I bet he’s on the list.
I don’t mind arguing with people. In fact, I kinda get into it too much, and have to make myself step away from some debates. I can be too quick to react at times, which I consider a weakness usually. However, I allow myself to be proven wrong, and give props to the person who does it. That, I feel is a strength.
I won’t block you because I lost an argument. I also won’t do it because I fear you. The majority of the blocks are done as a big F-U to people who I felt earned it.
During my run for Commissioner, I took down the block walls to fully expose myself to the entire voting public as a gesture of transparency. Expected hate came my way pretty hard, and I put a bunch of people back on the list after I lost the election. One guy who was a personal friend when I started the run – who at one point even offered to be my campaign manager – earned a spot on the block after he went psycho, then set out to publicly destroy me before the election was even over.
Guilt by association made me block a few. This, I’m not proud of. Others just got the boot for being relentlessly hateful or stupid.
Often, I don’t think twice about booting someone from my social media world. But sometimes I do have some regrets for my hair trigger. This is likely a terrible idea, but…
I’m about to flip the switch. Some of you may immediately block me. Others will take a moment to do some quality stalking. I’m sure most of you won’t really give two squirts of piss about it.
There has to be a couple of you who would love to tell me where to shove it. For you special people, I offer you the opportunity to do it here! If you shoot me an email with your 2¢, I’ll add it to the end of this story. Whether or not you want to be credited for the words, I’ll leave up to you. Be sure to let me know!
I’m certain you won’t be the only one who has something to say to or about me. I hope to collect enough rants that you can share to and read as a community.
SPEAK YOUR MIND!! Don’t hold back. I’d be lying if I said you couldn’t hurt my feelings, and maybe I deserve it. I’m giving you this opportunity to share your voice, and you can even do it anonymously if you don’t want me to share your name. On the other hand, you might want to be seen as the person telling me off. Your choice! Again, just let me know in the email.
I guess we’ll see how this does! Against my better judgement, I am now releasing you all from the bonds of my Facebook block list. Holla at me if you want to be heard.