Putting the Fear of God in Lyon County Schools


President Cowee (the bald dude) oversees the 12/17/24 meeting, where Trustee Hendrix asked the human resources director why 10% of the teachers don’t feel safe in schools. The answer: school shootings. Meanwhile, incoming Trustee Whisler looks on from the audience (the big dude with the gun on his back).

Phil Cowee’s campaign signs were vandalized shortly after going up. This one on Dayton Valley Rd. was the same location my campaign sign was stolen from during the primary election.

The biggest irony of it all: a movement that alleged to be the voice of Lyon County parents, will now work to silence a Lyon County parent. Hendrix and Parsons now have their majority with three comrades swearing in next month. I doubt he’ll waste any time in getting me banned from school grounds. In doing so, he will block me from picking up sick kids from school, or even getting to watch them graduate.

This is how these people operate. Whenever they lose a debate, they abuse power to shut us up. Politics and religion are the same to them. Kids like mine, who are not part of their religion, will have to suffer the side effects of this evangelical majority on the board chasing imaginary “woke” phantoms. The quality of public schools will decline, as more money gets funneled into programs like Calvary Chapel’s Homeschool Discipleship and private Christian schools.

Luckily, I only have one more year of my kids in Lyon County schools.

Carson Rural Communities
With CJ & Phil
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